
    Belo Waterfall and western plains tour

    7 Days

    Bamenda, also known as Abakwa, sprawling over the north-western plateau of Cameroon, is the capital city of the North West Region. The third-ranked city of Cameroon, Bamenda is situated 366 km north-west of the administrative capital of Cameroon Belo, Boyo…

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      The Cameroon Mountains

      3 Days

      Mount Cameroon (second highest mountain in Africa). Explore the highest mountain of Africa with its unique and breathtaking landscapes. Due to drastic changes in altitude you will enjoy a marvellous journey from mangrove forest at sea level, evergreen lowland forest, sub-mountain…

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        Yaoundé – Lobéké Park

        This is one of the highlights of Central Africa, and among the best spots in Cam for cameras! Integrated into the Congo basin, the Lobéké national park is located at the extreme south-east of Cameroon. It covers an area of…

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          Korup National Park

          The elevation of the park varies from 164 feet up to 3,540 feet (50 m – 1,079 m) at Mount Yuhan which is the tallest summit in the park.  It is fair to say the park displays a landscape of…

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