Gorges de Kola

Gorges de Kola is one of the main tourist sites found in the Northern region of Cameroon covering an area of over 3 acres with thousands of tons of rock out of sight, with multiple colors and impressive rock formations.

Gorges Kola represents a range of carved stones,  Shaped by the artistic genius of nature, it is a gigantic open-air work of art that houses a pretty waterfall of twenty meters in depth.

Ven if the term Gorges seems a little usurped, the fact remains that this rocky passage: 700 meters long and 200 meters wide, which the Mayo-Louti flows into, remains a rare view that must be enjoyed when moving from Garoua To Maroua.

The rock formations come in different shapes and sizes spreading like a spider’s web across a wide landscape. Climb up and down the curious rock, but be careful of sharp edges at the top of each formation; the sides usually have smooth surfaces.

Pass the gorge and find the stream running through it for the chance to refresh with a splash of cold water. The movement into the Kola Gorges is done by rock climbing, which allows you to travel  about fifty  meters to the bottom of the  fault.

Some rocks are beautifully shaped by the flowing water. At the peak, the gorges rise  to about fifteen meters. Gorge de Kola is located in the Guider municipality in the Northern region of  Cameroon. The Kola, a Daba tribe from Diamare in the Far North of the country where the first inhabitants gave the name of the place.


Some rocks are famous for their evocative shapes such as the rock in the shape of Africa, Madagascar, heart, foot or Virgin Mary. In the gorges, the water flow and the meteorology strongly influence the presence of fauna and flora. A legend is also said to hold that the fish would only appear there once a year with mass fishing possible for a maximum of one month. The popular legend conveys that a room or an apartment dedicated to the devil would be in this cave.


6 km from the Guier urban center, you can see the rocks polished by water flow,  A cave in the Kola village is situated on the bed of the May-Louti. The site is visible during the low water period approximately 9 months out of 12 months, the place is quiet and restful. The marvelous landscape, Mountaineering or bungee jumping can be practiced there, Easy to find thanks to signs, the gorges have no public facilities, which is why it is recommended to venture there with a local guide.

To support the development of tourism in this area, the Kola Gorge site was electrified by a micro-solar power plant in 2014 and there is a basic hotel and restaurant. If you need help planning a tour or you want luxecam tours to take you on a trip around Garoua contact us using the details you see below.

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